Students Attending Summer Learning Programs Returned to School in the Fall with an Advantage in Math
Students attending voluntary, school district-led summer learning programs entered school in the fall with stronger mathematics skills than their peers who did not attend the programs, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
While students who attended summer learning programs performed better in math, they did not experience near-term benefits in reading or see significant improvement in social and emotional outcomes compared to their peers. However, the study identified key factors linked to reading achievement.
Summer learning loss disproportionately affects low-income students and therefore likely contributes to the achievement gap between these students and their higher-income peers, according to researchers.
The new RAND findings provide the first student outcome data in a six-year study of summer learning programs in five urban areas, which is the most comprehensive research on summer learning to date. It is part of a $50 million project funded by The Wallace Foundation to examine whether and how two consecutive summers of voluntary, district-led summer programs — offering academic instruction and enrichment activities like arts and field trips — help boost low-income students' success in school. Read more about this here
NGSS: Things to Know in December 2014
1) Resource Update: Classroom Sample Assessment Task for middle and high school were just released. These draft sample tasks, written by secondary teachers of a variety of subjects, provide examples of how content from both NGSS and the Common Core State Standards in Math and English can be assessed together in classrooms. Read more about this here
2) Standard Of The Month: 4-LS1-2: Use a model to describe that animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways. See where these ides are introduced in A Framework for K-12 Science Education
3) Question Of The Month: I have seen some instructional materials that say they are NGSS-aligned. How can I determine if these materials are truly aligned to the NGSS? Answer: Rubrics such as the NGSS EQuIP Rubric can help teachers and administrators make determinations about whether or not lessons, units, and student materials are truly aligned to NGSS.
4) Building Proficiency: There are many different instructional models that can help students build toward proficiency on the NGSS performance expectations. To learn more, read the recent brief from here
And now to shine the spot light on the real STEM Stars of Region 3!!! Let's take a look at some of the STEM learning activities that our expanded learning program practitioners have engaged the children of Region 3 in:
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Bridges After School/ASSETs Programs
Name of District: San Juan Unified School District
School Site: Winston Churchill Middle School
Grade Level of Activity: 6th - 8th Grade
Number of students who took part in the activity: 20
Type of Activity: PongSats
Brief Description: The Bridges program at Winston Churchill Middle school participated in a special project called PongSats. An engineer from JP Aerospace spoke with the students about space and brought along several rockets. The engineer also collected PongSats - decorated ping pong balls filled with grass seed - that the students had created. JP Aerospace will send these ping pong balls into space in a balloon or rocket before they are returned to the students. Students will then observe what affect that zero gravity had on the seeds.
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Winston Churchill Students ready for PongSats!!! |
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Service Center
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District
School Site: Earl Warren Elementary School
Grade Level of Activity: 4th thru 6th Grade
Number of students who took part in the activity: 24
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - Straw Bridges
Learning Outcomes- Students were able to:
Plan a bridge structure from straws and tape
that can hold a cup of marbles.
Purchase and budget items from their plans appropriately.
Create their structure with materials bought.
Test the structures and determine how many
marbles their bridges can hold.
Discuss and evaluate bridges that held up an
abundance of marbles.
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SCCSC students working on their straw bridges. |
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SCCSC students working on their straw bridges. |
Contact Gabby Gabourel at (916) 670-9293 or at for more
Name of Out -of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District
School Site: Camellia Basic Elementary School
Grade Level of Activity: 4th thru 6th Grade
Number of students who took part in the activity: 70
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - Kidz Science Magnet Kit
Learning Outcomes- Students were able to:
- Goal Setting
- Teamwork
- Improve critical thinking
- Improve problem solving
- Effective communication
- Attraction / repulsion of magnetic charges
Comments: Students enjoyed looking for objects in the classroom that were magnetic. The students liked working together to accomplish their goals and understanding of the project. It was a collaborative activity, which promoted creativity and the kits were very easy to understand and use.
For more information contact Scott Kazer at 916 - 804 - 2628.
Name of Out -of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District
School Site: William Land Elementary
Grade Level of Activity: 5th Grade
Number of students who took part in the activity: 20
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - Kidz Science Oobleck Kit
Learning Outcomes- Students were able to:
- Experiment with reaction of the starch and water
- Observe and record information about Oobleck material
- Experiment with changes of composition of material
- Theorize possible uses for Oobleck
For more information contact David Constancio at
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Service Center
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District
School Site: Caroline Wenzel Elementary School
Grade Level of Activity: Elementary
Number of students who took part in the activity: 80
Brief description: Wenzel ASES students had the opportunity to participate in a supper cool Chemistry show. Students were able to take Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to a whole new level. Students also participated in 180 Degrees program, in which they researched STEM careers.
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Super Cool Chemistry Show!!! |
For more information please contact Kae Saeteurn at
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Service Center
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District and Twin Rivers Unified School District
Grade Level of Activity: Elementary
Number of Expanded Learning Staff who took part in the activity: 30
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - Topographic Maps - STEM and Literacy
Learning Outcomes- Students were able to:
Please contact Kaycee Moua for more information
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Service Center
Name of District: Twin Rivers Unified School District
School Site: Foothill Oaks Elementary School
Grade Level of Activity: Elementary
Number of students who took part in the activity: 20
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - In our STEM Club, students conducted two experiments exploring aerodynamics and engineering using the scientific method to predict and test a hypothesis. Students created balloon rockets to propel the balloon from one chair to the other. Students also created "puff mobiles" and had to design and build a car that would be powered by their breath.
Learning Outcomes- Students were able to:
- Describe why a balloon moves forward on a string
- Explain that thrust is a pushing force created by energy
- Understand and implement the scientific method
- Use the scientific method to predict a hypothesis
- Change a variable to make a new prediction
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Students testing their balloon hypothesis!! |
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Students testing their breath powered car!! |
For more information please contact Sarah Heidel at (916) 893-8365
Name of Out-of-School-Time Provider: Sacramento Chinese Community
Service Center
Name of District: Sacramento City Unified School District
School Site: Nicholas Elementary School
Grade Level of Activity: Elementary
Number of students who took part in the activity: 80
Type of Activity: S.T.E.M. - The Sacramento Zoo came by to talk to the students about different habitats around the world as well as things we can do to conserve and protect those habitats. The zoo also brought 4 animals from each of the habitats and the students had an opportunity to look at them up close.
For more information please contact Rian Carroll at
STEM and Other Pertinent Articles:
3) Science Curriculum Framework Update (CDE)
4) Common Core Stays After School (Ed Source)
5) Review Focuses on Expanded Learning Programs (Ed Source)
6) Partnership Effectiveness Continuum Tool (PEC)
9) New Class Roles: Building Environments of Cooperation (Edutopia)
10) Why Curiosity Enhances Learning (Edutopia)
11) PBL Pilot: Student Work Showcase (Edutopia)
STEM (and other Integrated Core Content)
1) Of Carrots And Kids: Healthy School Lunches That Don't Get Tossed (NPR Podcast)
2) Why Math Might Be The Secret To School Success (NPR Podcast)
3) Restorative Justice A New Approach To Discipline At School (NPR Podcast)
4) An Alternative To Suspension And Expulsion: "Circle Up!" (NPR Podcast)
5) Salad Dressing: Science Emulsions (Science Friday Activity)
6) Simulate Net Forces to Predict an Object's Motion (Science Friday)
7) Teach Kids, Not Just Math (Teaching Channel Classroom Strategy Video)
(Teaching Channel Classroom Strategy Video)
(Teaching Channel ELA Video)
10) NASA's Space Place: The website offers searchable content by subject area
and type as it pertains to NGSS. (Website)
11) Wild About Wetlands (Teacher Kits: Free to check out)
STEM Grants:
knowledge, use and delight of herbs through educational programs, research, and
sharing the experience of its members with the community. The Grant for Educators
challenges individuals, groups or small businesses to develop and deliver learning
experiences to the public. Each year, the Grant Committee anticipates funding one
or two grants for a total of $5,000. (Deadline December 31, 2014)
Foundation accepts applications from teachers who are passionate about making
science and mathematics more engaging for their students. $5,000 is the grant
award amount (Deadline February 1, 2015)
3) Community Action Grant: The AAUW is offering Community Action Grants to
individuals, AAUW branches, AAUW state organizations, and community-based
non-profit organizations that propose programs promoting education and equity for
women and girls. One-year grants of $2,000-$7,000 will provide seed money for new
projects whose topics include a clearly-defined activity that promotes education and
equity for women and girls. Two-year grants of $5,000-$10,000 will provide start-up
funds for longer-term programs that address the particular needs of the community
and develop girls' sense of efficacy through leadership or advocacy opportunities.
Special consideration will be given to projects focused on K-12 and community
college girls' and women's achievements in science, technology, engineering, or
math (STEM). (Deadline January 15, 2015)
4) C - Span Student Cam:
Deadline: January 20, 2015
Up to $5,000 for students in grades 6-312 (up to $1,000 for their schools) who create
winning video documentaries.
5) Letters About Literature:
Deadline: January 15, 2015 Letters About Literature (LAL) and the Center for the
Book in the Library of Congress
Up to $1,000 for students in grades 4-12 who write a
letter that explores an inspiring book, short story, poem,
essay, or speech.
6) P.E. Equipment Grants:
Deadline: March 1, 2015 Batters Up USA
Free baseball and softball equipment for local organizations serving youngsters up to
age 13.
7) Grant Wrangler Database
STEM Professional Development / Misc. / Events / Contest:
1) Region 3: Commitment to Quality: Expanded Learning Program Conference
(January 26, 2015)
2) After School Gets Techie with Weebly
(February 12, 2015)
More Professional Development opportunities being planned for 2015
Thanks again for all that you do in the field. Please keep us posted about STEM events/activities in your area. Please feel free to contact us at any time.
Monica Gonzalez-Williams (SCOE: Region 3: After School Regional Lead)
Phil Romig: (SCOE: Science Curriculum Specialist):
Mark Drewes: (SCOE: Project Specialist II: After School):
Monica Gonzalez-Williams (SCOE: Region 3: After School Regional Lead)
Phil Romig: (SCOE: Science Curriculum Specialist):
Mark Drewes: (SCOE: Project Specialist II: After School):